+33(0)5 46 22 42 10
  • English
  • Français
3 star campsite
between Royan and La Rochelle

Legl information

Camping les Pins de la Coubre

The owner

1107 Route De La Fouasse
tel : +33 (0)5 46 22 42 10
Email :
SIRET : 33786073800018
RCS : La Rochelle B 337 860 738
Responsable de publication : S.A.R.L. GUERIN POITEVIN


102 Bd de Lattre de Tassigny
17200 Royan
tel : 05 46 06 88 07
Email :
SIRET : 523 998 979 00021 RCS Saintes


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When you use the Internet you can give some information about the following cases : for the reservation, your registration, to get information about our special offers, or if you want to take part in a competition.
According to the law n°78-17 dated 1978 January 6 th about computer science, data files and liberties and in accordance with the rules n° 2016/679 of the European Parliament (dated April 27 th 2016), each net surfer who has given nominative information on the website can use the rights for opposition, access and correction of the data. In this case write to Camping «les pins de la Coubre» 1107 route de la Fouasse 17570 Les Mathes.
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